Maybe goodbyes


so this is what it feels like


to feel it passing


yes, us and the us we carried, passing away 

It's like rush fading isn't? as if all the tiny atoms in the tiny cells of our vast bodies suddenly stopped shaking and colliding 

like the rain finally stopped and there's a pin drop silence as the water trickles in the crevices 

as if my body is no longer vibrating between the past, the present and the future 

my heart has seemingly stopped conflicting about what it has, what it couldn't and what it wants 

it's so still isn't it? look, just sit here with me, don't say a word and lets observe it pass away with respect and dignity this time? let's not be in a rush to throw it away. let it slide gently like an autumn leaf floating over the foggy surface of a river 

then let's look at each other, deeply and let out a sigh right when it's gone 



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