The poetry of space

Lately I've been reminiscing 
Of all the people I used to know 
These people were me
At the porch of a house that we once called home 
Gathered cousins 
But I'd sit with one, that favourite brother 
Hot afternoons 
When the rest of the world napped,
But we were stubborn kids
Sitting on the porch 
Sipping on our Coca Cola and Sprite, 
Feeling like conquerors 
Watching the dogs stuck outside the gate 
Watching the lazy world, the lazy time pass by. 
I reminisce 
About all the evenings my elder brothers took me along to impress their girlfriends 
Of all the tiny umbrellas I collected by the footpath, 
While the elders sipped on their lassi's
Of all the mangoes we'd find in the backyard, 
The backyard smelled of ripe alphansoes and dry leaves 
Of how a popular 80's song takes me back to my mothers kitchen
Where she mindlessly hummed her cooking away 
Of Enrique and how it takes me back to my sisters bedroom, forbidden to the eyes of a child, a lair of secretive teen years 
I reminisce 
When I pass the streets of juhu
And see my ghosts 
Floating with the wind 
Faint but not gone 
They pass through me 
Giving me a subtle chill 
I reminisce  of who I used to be 
Of all the people I met 
Standing where I stand now 
Twinkling fairy lights of a wedding 
Winter winds in the summer 
Songs my past standing behind me 
I realize, it's not the memory that makes one reminisce 
For memories are not kept in the mind 
They're kept in spaces 
Stepped on 
Laughed in 
Cried in 
And de ja vu'ed in
Reminisce you will, surely, when you go back to these spaces 
For the porch, the backyard, the garden, the closed doors, the footpaths, the songs echoing within the walls, all of it will show you 
Your dreams 
Your memories 


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