Night trains

It's was 9pm, rain drizzled lightly
Running in slant rhythm with the wind
There was only darkness outside
The only way to know the train was moving was to focus on the vibrations below the sole of my shoes
Slow, even, left right left right, went my shoulders
The silver handles shook faintly in order
The hypnotising bliss of the night 
Destinations were known but not seen 
And the train would jerk a halt
The daze broken into disorientation
Anticipation set in, move move move , I'd say in my head
As my mind wandered trying to catch any evidence of light, streets or buildings in this blackness
Awhile later a slow motion jerk would begin
Again, the only evidence of movement the vibration below the sole of my feet 
Inertia would cause my shoulders forward
My back arching 
And with a grace that I lacked otherwise
I'd slide back into the seat
As if the air had hands slowly pushing my shoulders behind
My back touching the seat bit by bit
And as the wheels took full force
And the train moved past the city of darkness 
The daze would set in again
The calmness of uncontrolled slow movements
Maybe you're a little like that moment of fading in
The moment inertia feels like an old friend
That I cannot see
I cannot touch 
Only let my muscles and body 
Slowly set it in
Only my mind could imagine what this force would look like
Sometimes I wonder if this experience is even real
If you're even real ?
And as soon as my shoulders hit the seat again, I open my eyes
And you're gone
The inertia swallowed in by the forces of the real physical world
No ones looking, no one notices
But I try hard to catch a hold of you 
I cannot touch you
I cannot find you 
I cannot smell you 
Feels like I left you behind on the previous station
How do I memorise you now?
I wait, for the next stop to arrive, maybe our paths would cross again
You do not disappoint 
If I could be stuck in an infinity loop of feeling this invisible pull 
Push me ever so gently every time the wheels stopped
I would never get off this night train 
When I look around again, it's just us.
Every seat empty, did the whole world get off and go to sleep? 
Is the world trying set us up? 
If no one is here, how do I know I'm here?
With no accountability,  how do I prove that you are not imaginary?
Maybe you're just a powerful wind passing by 
What if I've deluded myself into making you ?
Give me a sign, 
Just for a minute, become real.


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