You have lived for....
So this is just a random post. Nothing deep. Nothing too interesting.
Yesterday we did this programme in IT practicals. We are currently learning how to use so the programme was on that.
Basically when the user enters their birthday into the programme, the output will display the total number of days you have lived till that day.
I thought the programme was pretty exciting, I mean none of us really count everyday that we live, we just pass by the countless 24 hours like they mean nothing. But the moment you see the exact number of days you have lived, when you see your entire existance represented in the form of a few digits, it kind of hits you- you have lived for 6098 days, but what have you done in this time?
Honestly, nothing yet. But I hope someday I'll have a list of the numerous amazing things that I have done. Today is my 6099'th day on this planet that we call home. Today I did maths, I listened to some great music and made this cool doodle. That's a little something right? Here's hoping that the many little something's will become a big thing that will matter someday.
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