
I didn't fall in love with you after knowing your name
I didn't have a clue about its etymology
For me, you were your smile
Your infectious humor
Your warm soul
For me, you were what you made me feel
Your name, it didn't matter
what would my parents say- didn't matter
For us it was the way our heart crumbled
when we had to live so far away
For us it was the hours that went by, unnoticed
when we walked through cities and conversations
For us it was our racing hearts and our blissful souls
whenever we were together.
All these years, I just ignored it
when people wrote our future after hearing your name
"But you guys will face a lot of problems"
"How will that work? what would your kids follow?"
"How will your parents accept this?"
I nodded, I justified and I wrote 100 versions of our future
as an answer to them,
knowing we will be okay, because we are more than just our names.
Our love is more than the families we were born into.
We are more than what my homeland says we are, says you are
You are more than a name, a faith, a family
You're my everything.

And right now I am so scared, for this future I practiced in my head
I am scared of my family, of the faith I was born into, that I don' t even believe in
I am scared of my homeland.
But I am here, I will protect my everything.
I will stand by you, your smile, your humor, your soul and so much more.


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