Vague dialogue

I heard this vague dialogue in a movie yesterday. The main lead says "you won't know how to love someone else, until you stop loving yourself". 
It sounds like a pretty heavy dialogue, but I couldn't make a lot of sense out of it. 
It's contradictory to the idea that you can't love anyone else unless you learn to love yourself. Self love should be first priority right? Because otherwise you'd just be full of insecurities to ever fully love someone else. 
But then again, if you're so satisfied with yourself and fulfilled then why would you want to love anyone else right? Life would seem enough. 
I feel like the ideas we built around love are like buildings with no foundations. Everything is so contradictory. 
What exactly is the right time to fall in love? Does it even have to be a right time? Or is just mutual commitment towards the right person that we think of as love? 
I think as time has passed by my beliefs about love , like a lot of other subjects have changed drastically. At one point I did belief in timeless and passionate love that can mend souls and all that crap. But to be honest, does anything like that even exist in our world? Or did it even ever exist? 
Maybe it's another delusional concept started by humans as a reassurance against loneliness like the idea of a heaven or life after death. I'm not saying that they don't exist, maybe they do. But I just can't seem to grasp it, probably because I've not experienced it myself. Sure there were people I thought I was in love with , but now when I look back they all seem like whims of a hormonal teenager who didn't know any better and was in a hurry to experience everything. 
I guess I've just become so inert that now I can't even imagine feeling something so strong that could change my life. Life is not a Bollywood movie and to be honest, it just sounds so tedious. 
Why do human relationships have to be so complicated anyway? Love in itself is considered a feeling, but in that sense for me it's always a universal feeling. Why does romantic love have to be so glamorized? It could be a great experience, but that's it. 
I do believe love is out there, it's everywhere. All in saying is why does romantic love have to be treated as the only way to be mended in this world. 
I belief that human connections are more than enough to help you grow. Like, just interaction and connecting to someone on a level that it gives you goosebumps should be enough. Why does the next step have to be falling in love and then blah blah blah? 
I don't even know what I'm saying, I'm just getting time to write my thoughts down so excuse me for this confusing crappy post. Well good night then. 


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