The furnace
Do you remember the story of
the man who was stuck in a cold river all night?
it was the peak of winter,
the water felt sharp and painful against his skin
under normal circumstances
he would have lost his life that night
but he didn't
when asked how he survived the next morning
he said, I had a fire to keep me warm
perplexed, his friends asked how?
'there was a single light you see,
far away, in the house on top of the slope
I could see a furnace burning through its window,
the white curtains blew ferociously
making the image of the fire glimmer
but it didn't fade
its flames grew stronger and stronger
It was so far away, yet all it took
was to believe that its warmth could reach me
and it did
All night I stared at the orange hues
shining against the darkness of the night
and some hours before dawn,
the river's iciness vanished away.'
B, you are the light and the fire
shining and burning bright and warm
on the darkest and the coldest nights
so much that people all around you, have looked up
from their frozen existence and come back to life
With the ambition to live one more day
I don't know if extraordinary people
know that they are extraordinary
But the ones that loved you
Whether they exist with you now
or far beyond our realms of comprehension
as stars in the sky
They saw this fire in you even on the days
you cried because of a paper cut
they knew you'd gracefully implode one day
and brighten this whole universe
with your knowledge and your spirit.
In the moments that you were away,
breathing fire in someone else's frozen rivers
they remembered you fondly, their most precious.
With your warmth still close to their heart.
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