Understanding social media

Numbers. Likes. Photos. Filters.
Dreamy, sad, angry, opinionated captions
full of urban angst.
Some days it feels like you only exist
In the dimensions of my identity
That I rebuild
Reportray each day
Living in this twisted floating
World of second chances
I didn't stop to think
How difficult it will truly be
To throw you out of my life
Harsh it may seem,
But when I hurt
I hurt all in
When I get repulsed
I do with with the same
Commitment that I loved you with
But oh.
I did not know
That it would be more difficult
To wake up without you next to me
To not hear your voice
To not hug you when I laid eyes on you
To not tell each other it'll be alright
To be there
I did not know
That anything could be more difficult than
Feeling the emptiness
That even the ones who disappoint the most
Leave behind in your day
It only took a text
It only took your name flashing on my screen
It only took impulsive opinions
Thrown at me
That social media had conditioned you togo to
as your prime self defense
It only took Facebook likes
Instagram stories
Tagged pictures from months ago
Memories from a year ago
The 56 mutual friends asking about you
The 10566 snaps floating in snapchats registry and the
Pathetic little heart emoji shining next to your name on some application
The "Are y'all doing okay?"
Because I didn't have recent activity with you
Rereading whatsapp conversations to understand when exactly did I fall out of love
And should I have noticed sooner
That we were long gone
Out of all the real things that I thought
 would kill me
It was but, the world that saves your memories on 'cloud storage'
To feel weak not only
because your veins feel different
But because I couldn't handle a face or a name on my home screen
It's becoming difficult
To rationalize this world we exist in
The liberating moment of cutting someone off
Gives us a kick of power
Did you think,
That self validation would mean
Having the power to block someone
Or to post happening stories of the life you're living
To tell everybody you're absolutely okay
With excessive information about your daily activities
On every platform possible
What will people think
Do they think I'm weak
Or do they think I'm strong?
Maybe they notice the tingling sadness
Or the hidden hints in the songs I quote
Who cares what people think love?!
You don't give a fuck when you're out on the streets
Then why has this constructed life consumed you?
What are we becoming, love?
It is but these that relationships build on now
It's a new world order
Madhouse of over experiences exposed
Based on nothing
It's 30 seconds to fame
Faking laughter to get that beautiful
Bnw portrait
Is this good or bad misleading?
It's a number of people that only like a certain part of
But will they know if you die
Will they care?
Or were they only curious
To devour on one more life?
Don't we all just need things
And people
To temporarily obsess over
Options options options
Reacts reacts reacts
Give our lives a Lil meaning
Oh. It is only a small while of headspace
I asked for
To gather myself
But what I missed was
My head
My heart
A part of me
Doesn't even live with me anymore
It's everywhere
Under watch
Where do you go?
Where do you hide?
Where do you think?
Where do you feel.


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