Much needed distractions.

Today I'll try a little change and help myself a little by momentarily distracting my mind from all the crap and blog about not the crap but, wait for it- music and art!
Yes I know its been more than a while. And I thought I needed to keep myself distracted today, oh wait its past 12, which means yesterday. I had gone for a sleepover at my best friends house hoping to find peace with her. And I wasn't wrong. I seriously don't know what I'd do in these days without my friends. They are literally my pillars right now. Four pillars. The only people keeping me balanced. Thanks a lot you guys.
Before I start my deep and incredibly sad blab, I'll come back to the point. So the whole day I was pretty much busy but after coming home in the evening from classes I had absolutely nothing to do. And here comes the part where music and art riding on the back of a white horse came to my rescue. I spent most of the time listening to-
1. All fall down (One Republic)
2. Summertime sadness ( Lana Del Ray*)
3. Let her go(The Passenger)
4. Little bump (Ed Sheeran)
5. Salvation (Skillet)
6. Oblivion (Bastille*)
7.  Of the night (Bastille * make sure you try this one out, you won't regret I promise)
8. That's all I remember out of the many many I heard.
*check out artist of the week posts for more info.
Meanwhile I remembered my mom had been pissed with me considering the amount of time I spend on my phone texting ( don't give me the look, you've heard it too :P ) and suggested I should paint instead of wasting my time. She usually doesn't give such suggestions. I think she knows something is going on with me, she won't ask directly but she will give me good suggestions to keep me sane. Moms are usually right.
So I tried looking for some paintings to make, sad ones depicting well heartbreaks or separations etc., I know sounds depressing but it wasn't that very much. I usually make happy paintings but I guess I needed change :/
So here's the painting down there. Its basically a devastated chick whose crying and is in pain. The blood spatter in the painting depicts the pain- its portrayed as physical pain but it really isn't. Its more like this pain inside your body which has no source. It hurts so bad it makes her cry, so that's what the painting is about. The original one is called - " the sound of heartbreak"
I'd also like to dedicate a song All fall down and a few lines from the same to my four pillars. Three of whom are bloggers. One who just talks to me blogs about me ;) and keeps my mind still and the one I feel like I've known all my life but actually not. One who I've known all my life, my supposed wife ( I'm very much straight) who always talks me down and makes sense of things for me using her super smart skills, another who makes me laugh, makes crazy videos, my partner in crime and last but not the least my twin friend, who is with me 24*7, my rock. Thanks all of you. I love you guys.

"If ever your world starts crashing down
Whenever your world starts crashing down
That's where you'll find me. "
See you next time \m/


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